
history of computer hardware

Charles Babbage was an English mathematician nation. He created a calculating machine called a difference engine in 1822. The machine was used to calculate mathematical tables.

in 1833, Charles Babbage difference engine to develop more so-called analytical engine that can perform any calculations. So this machine is known as the General Purpose Digital Computer. Beliaupun considered the father of modern computer because very large contribution to the world.

in 1937, Prof. Howard Aikem, a mathematician from Harvard University. He designed the penbuatan a computer capable of performing arithmetic and logic operations automatically.

In 1944, Prof. Howard Aikem worked with IBM company completed electronically kompute named "Harvard Mark I, Controlle Automatic Sequence Calculator (ASCC). In the development computer is divided into several genarasi, according to the ability (capability), cost (efficiency), and ease of use (user frendly).

Generation 1: the years 1946-1956, this generation is relying on vacuum tube chamber (vacuum tube). This computer needs room spacious, capable and well-known low-power heat. Storage size is only about + / - 2000 bytes and to run the program and printing is still done manually.

Generation 2: in the year 1957-1963. The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in storing and processing information. Transistors form smaller, not so hot and mengkomsusikan little energy. Berkapasistas storage size of 32 kb with 20000-30000 speed commands per second.

Generation 3: in the year 1964-1975. Itergrated circuit (IC) has begun to be used on the computer. The size of 2 megabytes of storage capacity with speed + / - 5 million per second. This generation also introduced a software technology that is easy to use.

Generation 4: 1980-present. Computers have been using technology "Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSIC). In a chip, this technology is able to accommodate millions of circuits. This chip is called the microprocessor. Size has a large capacity storage with speeds millions of orders per second.

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