
Creating a Quiet Healty Mind & Heart:)

Tranquility is the needs of everyone. No rich, no poor, no officers, no labor; all want a peace. How not, someone willing to pay a lot for the sake of feelings that upset to be quiet. People willing to go a long way from one place to another hundreds of miles away to make yourself relaxed and happy, and finally quiet, too. Sometimes the feeling is not known feel the thrill of ... Many do not. Feelings of anxiety always haunt.
Tranquility, where exactly? Whether at the office? Whether in the mountains? Whether at the beach? Whether in the market? Is the place of worship? Whether in a cave? Many possible answers if forwarded. But clearly got quiet & only felt by people who never feel alone. A sense of peace & relaxation. Feeling pretty, feeling safe is not alarmed by all the negative things that have not occurred. Indications of tranquility is indicated friendliness & ketidakgugupan jets in action. The ratio of sense is always used before making a decision. Calm & quiet. Heavy as any problems encountered with the quiet and 
sense of confidence.

How to find peace? Doctoral Norman V. Peale (1996) in his book, Thinking Positive, said that prayer is the greatest force in solving the problem of one's personal. There is great power contained in a prayer. Maybe for people who have never tried the awesomeness of prayer should not attempt to practice this advice. If feeling ill at ease trying to return everything to the Lord of hosts. Trying to harmonize with nature. Following the water flow. Pasrahkan & mortar everything that exists. Feeling unorganized & seabreg other erratic feelings. Give a hundred percent on the Creator. Feel that this self helpless & weak do not have any power. Let God finish. With Hurrying, how later, how will ... submit everything. Believe in His love.

Also, try also the habit of Carnigie Dale, famous figures of ordinary Americans to the church when the state again super busy. This is because he really wants to control the time, not controlled by time. He spent about a quarter of an hour to cool off from the routine that continues to seize the time.
How a Carnegie is a famous and wealthy businessman instead will immediately go to a quiet place like the church to compose himself when his work is piling up? Compare with our habits tend to even say "responsibility" if there is work. Are there any among us who often leave the prayer when prayer calls & more interested in the job by reason of "more responsibility?"
Through prayer, we are taught to solemn and quiet. Remove the moment all the expenses that may be we feel & pasrahkan in God the Creator. Be quiet for a moment. Biological silence. Feel the peace & calm ... relaxed.
So, serenity can be felt by those who feel alone. Trying to harmonize with nature, true to yourself, pasrahkan everything to God, and pause a moment when his job might accumulate as a small step to try to achieve peace.
Some of the following may also be feasible we consider to calm the heart & mind:

1. RelaxationDoing relaxation is proven to make a user become calm in the face of various situations that are less pleasant or stressful. Relaxation can be done with variations, for example, draw a deep breath, doing light exercises to relax the muscles, or even with the words: "relax, just calm, take it easy, it's okay really."

2. HumorAlthough anger is a serious thing but if we want to contemplate or observe in depth is not uncommon in the anger is often stored on the things that can make us laugh. In fact, we often find that the things which become the cause of anger is something funny & very trivial. However, the use of humor should keep in mind 2 things:1) Do not use humor just to laugh at the problems we face but use humor as a constructive way to solve problems2) Do not use humor that is rude or sarcastic because it is a form of unhealthy anger expression.

3. Changing the mindset modeIndividuals who are angry tend to swearing, cursing, swearing & pronounce various words that describe the feelings in his heart. When he was angry with the thoughts and actions we can become excessive and dramatic. Therefore, try to change the thoughts that this over with something rational. Example: instead we say: "ah, it was awful, destroyed all, this is a nightmare for me", try to change it with: "yes indeed it makes me frustrated, and I can understand why I get angry, but this is not the end of everything for me and anger will not change anything. "
Given that anger is often turned into irrational then to control it required logical thinking. The more we can think logically (can consider the consequences and think ahead, etc) it will be easier for us to control the anger in ourselves. Remind ourselves that what is happening would not only experienced by a self & the world we have never turned away from us. What is happening is merely a "red ink" in life. Will remember this every time we feel angry in order to get a more balanced view.

4. Solve Problems By CompletedGiven that anger can be triggered by things that come from within themselves as a problem that has not been resolved, it will be very good if we resolve any problems that arise as soon as possible & complete. By reducing the psychological burden in ourselves then it is likely to be marahpun will be reduced.

5. Train How to CommunicateIn many cases people become angry because of the failure in communication. Example: unpreparedness in the face of differences of opinion, not willing to be a listener or even always tried to impose the will on others. Things like this are usually made of angry people tend to take hasty conclusions and the conclusions are often not appropriate.
While each individual has the right to defend yourself when criticized or asked to argument, but it is necessary for peace and the attitude to not respond in a hurry. There is good we listen carefully what you want delivered by others, even when the person is expressed opinions contrary to us. It does take patience and humility from us, but the impact will be very useful because when it does not arise anger in us, then the situation can definitely be controlled. Positive results, we become more mature in communication.

6. Changing EnvironmentWhat is meant by changing the environment can be a realignment of residence or workplace. Changing the environment can also mean changing the rules that apply in that environment and also involves changing the habits of our own to avoid an unpleasant environment or out of that environment for a while. Example: instead we become angry-angry with co-workers because of bored with working conditions that exist, then it's good we took time off work & go to a place to cool off. In this way then our mind will be fresh again and ready to work with more calm.
Congratulations hearts & minds who enjoy quieter

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